Tuesday, December 22, 2009


God afternoon and Merry Christmas Family,
I can't seem to get away from this theme but Jesus truly was our example. This means in order to understand how I should function as a Christian all I need do is study His life as written in the Word of God.
I remember when we went as a family to go see the movie The Passion. I felt a bit odd because I didn't really want to cry, though I was struck to the core by the depth of Jesus' suffering for us. Instead I was a grimly elated. Jesus paid it all for me so I wouldn't have to.
I remember thinking, "I'm glad Jesus died. I'm glad He suffered. I'm glad for every stripe, every mocking word, every humiliation He suffered. I'm glad He went to the cross!" I'm still glad.
Oh, how I love my Jesus, but there was no other way for my sin to be paid for. If there was the Father would have told Him. It was either me or Jesus. Am I glad that it was my sin that He had to suffer for? Oh no, but my sin was pretty much a done deal and someone was going to die for it. Again, I am grimly elated and grateful that He was the one.
I say grimly because Jesus died not only for my sin but as an example to me. Somewhere, somehow I will be expected to suffer for someone else. No, my suffering will not pay for their sin. Only Jesus could have done that. But I can, and will be called often, to lay down my life so someone else can have the opportunity to be blessed. So will you dear one.
From giving money away that we wanted to spend on ourselves or actively, generously, and aggressively loving those who treat us badly, we will all encounter these crucifixion moments.
Like Jesus, we will all at once, have a choice and no choice at all. None of us are forced to be nailed to the cross, yet for those who are truly His, how can we do anything else but our Father's will?
The reality is we will love and forgive so many, but the majority will reject the kind sacrifices we make in His name. Yet, we keep taking up our cross for the few, even the ONE, who will see Christ in our willingness to put them before ourselves.
I'm glad He gave up His life for me.
May someone somewhere, somehow, be able to say...
....I'm glad Lauren gave up her life for me.
Stay in Prayer and in the Word and have the best Christmas ever!
Love in our Lord,

About Me

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Wow...About ME? Wife to Shawn.Mother, Teacher, Nurse, Counselor, Cook, Maid, and Referee to Chelsea, Shannon, John-Daniel, Salome, Sean (Mikos), and Michael. Yep that's right SIX. But that's not really about ME is it? To some degree I am defined by what I do but the real ME can only be truly defined by who I belong to. I am His. I am favored in His Kingdom. I am the King's daughter. Despite my almost overwhelming desire to be liked, my tendency to yell, my lust for anything sweet, and my almost crippling problems with procrastination; He sees something in me worth enlarging. I love so many things more than I do Him. He knows me better than I know myself, yet He still is in love with me and longs to see my face and hear my voice. He keeps calling me. Daily He intrudes in the life of this oft times angry woman and I can't shake Him. I don't want to. I want to be His entire. I want to burn with lust for His presence, His will, His Words...His holiness. I want to obey Him without question. I want to know God. This is ME; an unremarkable and very imperfect person who has heard and answered the call to seek the only living God. I am not alone.
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.
