God Morning Family,
This past Saturday God blessed me! As I prayed He posed this question; "Are you willing to stink until I resurrect you?".
I had to laugh and rejoice. Indeed God does not think like we do at all!
God reminded me of Lazurus. I won't go into detail, but I encourage you to read John chapter 11 for yourself. The following is what God spoke to me.
Lazarus was a dear friend of Jesus and loved by Him, yet when Jesus heard Lazarus was deathly ill He purposely delayed going to his side. His reasoning? That God would get glory and He Himself would be glorified.
Lesson 1: Getting close to Jesus means sometimes He will purposely let something really bad happen to you. Or He will seemingly lift His hand off your life and let the real you be exposed for all to see. This is the honor of being His friend. Those who want intimacy with God ask that our lives will give Him glory and we think that means we go to church, share our faith, and don't live in sin anymore. Jesus glorified God through His suffering, humiliation, and death on the cross.
It wasn't until Lazarus was dead and beyond hope that Jesus responded to the request that He go to His friend.
Lesson 2: Just when you think things are bad God will let it get worse. And not just worse but beyond hope. God gets the glory when your situation is beyond human rescue. God gets the glory when your situation, or you, are so awful that even the most faith filled, Holy Ghost people you know will shake their heads with doubt. No flesh shall glory in Gods presence and when the big rescue comes no man will get the credit.
When Jesus got there Lazarus had already been put in a tomb.
Lesson 3: Tombs are places of isolation. Don't be surprised you feel alone when your life is falling apart. Don't be shocked when you're trying to do your best but people steer clear of you because you've stepped on their toes. Not because of righteousness but because you're just a mess. This is a good place. This is where, if you don't get offended, you learn to love people without pinning your hopes on them. This is where you learn that really, only God has an answer. This is where you learn God is a jealous God and as long as you trust in anything or anyone besides Him He will not be satisfied. God will allow the worst in you or your life in order to remove your dependence on flesh.
Lesson 4: People put Lazarus in a tomb not God. Don't be moved when people give up on you. People do not have the final say God does. I don't care if you have been in the same condition for 10, 20, or even 75 years.
When Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda he'd had that infirmity for 38 years. The woman with the issue of blood had been sick 12 years. And there is no telling how long the wild man of the Gadarenes had been demon possessed when Jesus set him free.
Keep believing God for change in your life, keep believing in God's mercy. It's better to be found contending for His will then to throw in the towel. Just don't quit!
"Roll away the stone."
"Uh, Jesus, surely you're aware that the body stinks? "
Lesson 5: You would think that once one has stopped fighting God, has submitted to the crucifixion of their flesh, and died to self one life would be glorious . But it's not. There is a stench as the flesh corrupts.
When one surrenders to God and chooses to walk in the Spirit all is not lovely. While the stony heart may have been rolled away and replaced with a heart of flesh, this disciple has no idea how to walk with God...even if they have been saved for 20 years. They stink at it.
Don't be discouraged Lazarus. Right now you're probably doing all you can to be godly yet people always seem to be offended with you. You're doing all you can yet your circumstances are the same. It's not because you are the same person you used to be . That one died. It's because you are just a seedling who has yet to bear fruit. Remember, it's only when the seed falls to the ground and dies that it bears fruit.
But you want to bear fruit NOW. You look awful and you need that fruit to make you look good to all the people that think you're such a loser. Just let the Master water, tend, and prune you. Trust in Him. You may be broke, you may be rough around the edges, hasty, and have no idea how to communicate but you will bear the fruit of the Spirit.
Oh and by the way, all the poop that gets dumped on you instead of patience and understanding...it's called fertilizer and you need it to grow. Yes! It makes you stink all the more. Are you willing to stink until you get good? Can you deal with the humiliation of submitting to that until you bear godly fruit? Not to look good to people, but to His glory?
"Lazarus come forth!"
Lesson 6: Remember Jesus did not come to Lazarus when he was sick, but waited until he died and there seemed to be no hope. There is a set time for everything family. God has a schedule and He knows the day and the hour of your deliverance.
Hang in there, trust Jesus, stay humble, and be willing to stink until you get good.
Don't quit!!!! Resurrection time is coming!
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in our Lord,