I understand there are many cautions to an extended fast, but when it's a fast God has chosen the grace to accomplish the task accompanies it. I am a homeschooling mom of 6, I clean our church along with two other ladies 3 times a week, my husband and I are also leaders that over-see other leaders in our church, I teach in the kids ministry, and I have my own business. At no time could I lay down my responsibilities and "rest". While I did take time to lay down or sleep in an extra hour those moments were rare. I still had to cook for my family (help me Jesus!), over see my childrens' chores, and clean my house as well.
I will say I did have people I shared this task with who kept me in prayer. My husband was also helpful and supportive. I felt and appreciated the prayers for strength that went forth.
The 1st 10 days were water only. It was during this time that I felt like I had canker sores towards the back of my throat every night for about 5 nights. I also started having soreness in my lower back and stiffness in my neck and shoulders.
During days 11-20 I had water and barley grass powder. I had loads of energy but was freezing cold.
On day 21 I started juicing veggies and this messed me up a little...I really wanted to eat food.
On day 28 I went back to water until day 37 and then had veggie and fruit juice until day 40. Mission accomplished and still freezing after a 30 pound weight loss! (Would love to maintain the weightloss.)
I wish I could say I saw great miracles occur but I did not. Not yet anyway. I prayed and declared daily the word over the prayer points God gave me but have no idea what was accomplished in the Spirit realm. It's important to note that obedience to God requires no results. I am responsible to obey...the results are not my problem. Through Christ I finished my task. My reward is sure!
It's also good to note that this fast did not make me any holier. I am not more righteous because of a 40 day fast. Obedience is obedience, no matter the size of the task. I could disobey God tomorrow and this 40 day fast would not impress God one little bit. (Ez 33:13-16)
As for me personally God reminded me regularly that fasting without showing love towards people does not impress him either. I had to regularly repent for crabbiness.
One day, well into this fast I almost broke it. I had a major disappointment (didn't get my way) and almost threw in the towel when I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to come and tell Him about it. On my knees I cried like a big baby and shared how sad I was. Giving the issue to God and asking Him to handle it for me, the desire to eat was broken. I asked the Holy Spirit to remind me of this in the future to cure emotional eating.
As far as breaking the fast...it's not going as well as I hoped though I prayed for God's help in this area. Not eating is much easier than the transition. No meat or dairy but I am over-eating and can feel it. I am eating fruits and veggies but have introduced grains too soon (as well as a few small cookies and one piece of chocolate)...However all is not lost and I have no time for condemnation or unnecessary guilt. This is day 2 and will be back on juice tomorrow, recalibrate, and go back to fruit, veggies, and broth.
Read Isaiah 58 on how to accomplish fasting that pleases God!
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in our Lord,