God Morning Family,
As I write this this there is a sense of carefulness in the atmosphere of my room that I haven't felt in some time.
As I prayed this morning I began to thank God for His Holy Spirit and ask Him to forgive me and His body for our ingratitude for His divine presence.
It amazes me that God humbles Himself to dwell in us and waits so patiently for us to acknowledge this fact with more than mere words.
He waits for us to ACCESS this glorious treasure that dwells in earthen, and very imperfect, vessels.
Most Christians are content to "be saved"...to await our transition from flesh to glory as we simply live life.
But there is more...
The problem is we want comfort, worldly entertainment, and earthly security. In our cozy world of insurance, retirement, and investments there is no room for risk...no room for the adventure of the unknown. We want to know where we are going, what we are going to do when we get there, and the timetable of events.
God wants us to trust Him and let His Spirit lead us.
For me this requires a quietness that is just not my temperament. Never the less how does one hear a
still small voice
when one is constantly talkative, fretful, and busy.
I am tired of this life.
I am getting older.
The recklessness of my youth has been replaced with a desire to just be safe. I look back at all the foolish things I've done in my younger days and thank God for protecting me from myself. Why now as 50 looms in the near horizon do I think it more prudent to govern my own life? To play it safe?
This morning as I ask God to help me quiet myself, listen for His Spirit, and follow Him, I sense an urgency, but for what purpose I do not know. On the outside I am still...inside I feel like I have had 10 shots of espresso.
I have no idea what the day holds, but I ask God to lead me, to direct me, to help me through His Spirit.
I confess I am a bit fearful...
Lord help us today as we work, tend to our homes, play, live...to be ever listening for your Spirit, watching for every opportunity He brings our way. We trust you Abba Father. We thank you for the Spirit of Christ dwelling within us. Today we commit to follow Him, to be taught by Him, to fellowship with Him, and obey Him. We want more... Amen!
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in our Lord,