Or What Happens When A Mere (And Very Unremarkable) Woman Decides To Answer the Call To Become Supernatural (1st Cor 3:1-3 NKJ)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Trust Me...I Know The Way
I have a memory that never fails to make me smile.
It was a very hot summer day and I was doing some work at my church. My youngest daughter was with me.
When we finished whatever task I was working on we headed home.
On foot.
I asked Salome if she would like to stop by the store and pick up something tasty. I warned her it would make the trip longer, and hotter, but she chose the "something tasty".
On our way home Salome began complaining about the heat. Our usual route home had very little shade, and was very hilly.
I decided on a detour.
"Ya Honey?"
"Do you know where you're going?"
I had to laugh. At this time Salome was about five or six years old.
"Yes, Salome. I know exactly where we're going."
The detour we took was shady and less hilly, but unfamiliar to my daughter. So it wasn't long until she questioned me again.
"Mom, are you SURE you know where we are?"
"Yes, Salome, I know where we are. Stop worrying."
We hadn't walked much further when,
I don't recall how the rest of the walk went, though we obviously made it home just fine, but ever since then God has used this memory to remind me that He knows the way.
All I wanted to do that day was make the way home a little more bearable for my daughter. She, however was more comfortable with the old familiar way. Never mind that it was hotter and a much tougher walk.
I'm sure I was tempted to get at least a little annoyed with her, except I could see myself in my little girl.
I'm a lot like that. The old ways may be harder, but at least they are familiar.
What is it about human nature that resists trusting God?
He is bigger than me, older than me, smarter than me...
Yet when He takes me along an unfamiliar path I hesitate, tense up, and with trembling voice I shout,
With compassion He takes my little hand into His eternal one and says, "With me, you are never lost."
Nodding, I try to ignore my unfamiliar surroundings and just focus on His big, strong hand holding mine.
I keep following, but I'm still a little...
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Is 41:10 NKJ
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in Our Lord,
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Maybe this sounds familiar.
"Child number 2..."
"Well, come here."
Child number 2 comes, very slowly I might add.
"What mom?"
"I need you to go..."
Child number 2 darts off before I can finish.
"Where are you going? Get back here." Heavy sigh.
"Yeah Mom?"
"I need you to go into the living room..."
Child number 2 darts off towards the living room.
"Get back here!"
Wide-eyed, the child comes back, looking as if I'm the one who is confused.
"Mom you told me to go into the living room."
"Do you know why I told you to go in there?"
"Nooooo..." Slowly and patiently, the child is speaking to me as if I have alzheimer's.
"I want you to bring me my keys. They are in...."
Off the child goes again.
"Get back in here!"
"Mom, you want me to get your keys right?" Now the child is getting huffy.
"Listen child number 2 do you want me to tell you where the keys are or would you prefer to spend 30 minutes looking for them?"
"Oh." Long pause. "Okay, where are they?"
I have had this type of conversation with all of my kids.
God has had this type of conversation with me.
Call me slow...okay VERY slow, but after 16 years of salvation I'm only just now getting to the point where I wait for instructions when I hear God speaking.
Many times I would hear God say FAST and I would call a 40 day fast...that lasted about 2 days.
Or I would hear God say SPEAK and I would unload on someone...only to spend the next week apologizing and making amends.
One thing I have learned about God is most of the time He is not in a hurry. He gives us time to pray, TEST THE VOICE WE HEARD, ask questions, and receive clarification.
Maybe it's age more than experience, but lately when God speaks I PAUSE.
I ask God to explain what He means and then I WAIT on Him. I try not to act until I feel He has given me SUFFICIENT INSTRUCTIONS.
Impulsiveness is kin to presumption. Instead of listening for God's directions the impulsive presume they already know His mind.
I would rather God tell me where to find my keys than spend 30 minutes looking.
Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression. Psalm 19:12-13 NKJ
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in our Lord,
Monday, June 20, 2011
God Morning Family,
As I write this this there is a sense of carefulness in the atmosphere of my room that I haven't felt in some time.
As I prayed this morning I began to thank God for His Holy Spirit and ask Him to forgive me and His body for our ingratitude for His divine presence.
It amazes me that God humbles Himself to dwell in us and waits so patiently for us to acknowledge this fact with more than mere words.
He waits for us to ACCESS this glorious treasure that dwells in earthen, and very imperfect, vessels.
Most Christians are content to "be saved"...to await our transition from flesh to glory as we simply live life.
But there is more...
The problem is we want comfort, worldly entertainment, and earthly security. In our cozy world of insurance, retirement, and investments there is no room for risk...no room for the adventure of the unknown. We want to know where we are going, what we are going to do when we get there, and the timetable of events.
God wants us to trust Him and let His Spirit lead us.
For me this requires a quietness that is just not my temperament. Never the less how does one hear a
still small voice
when one is constantly talkative, fretful, and busy.
I am tired of this life.
I am getting older.
The recklessness of my youth has been replaced with a desire to just be safe. I look back at all the foolish things I've done in my younger days and thank God for protecting me from myself. Why now as 50 looms in the near horizon do I think it more prudent to govern my own life? To play it safe?
This morning as I ask God to help me quiet myself, listen for His Spirit, and follow Him, I sense an urgency, but for what purpose I do not know. On the outside I am still...inside I feel like I have had 10 shots of espresso.
I have no idea what the day holds, but I ask God to lead me, to direct me, to help me through His Spirit.
I confess I am a bit fearful...
Lord help us today as we work, tend to our homes, play, live...to be ever listening for your Spirit, watching for every opportunity He brings our way. We trust you Abba Father. We thank you for the Spirit of Christ dwelling within us. Today we commit to follow Him, to be taught by Him, to fellowship with Him, and obey Him. We want more... Amen!
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in our Lord,
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
American Idols
I felt the need to write this directly after prayer before I lose the freshness of what God did this morning.
I awoke feeling as if something was wrong and began to wonder what it was I had done to offend God.
As I began to pray I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Just Worship". I put on Jesus Culture 'We Cry Out' and began to sing. Casting aside self-consciousness about the way I sounded I belted out the song and felt something begin to break.
Then I knew what the problem was. Weeping loudly I began to repent for Idolatry in my heart.
Let me back up.
In March I completed a 40 day fast. I prayed for the things God laid on my heart but I also prayed for me to be self controlled in my eating. I had hoped that after the fast I would be able to just enjoy food the way God made it...natural and healthy. As my husband would say...NO HAPS. I went back to my old way of eating and gained back the weight. I did however sense that God wanted to deal with this. To show me the root of my out of control eating. So declaring a minor revolution I refuse to diet (starve) anymore and either God will help me or I'll be obese!
Yesterday the air conditioner in my house stopped working, I had a fender bender, two business appointments canceled without notice, God gave me instructions for my business that will take me waaaay beyond my comfort zone, and I was literally a hot mess.
So I ate.
I ate chocolate.
I ate chocolate and wallowed in self pity until it was time for work at 6pm.
Fast forward to this morning. On my knees I wept in repentance and asked God to be EVERYTHING to me because...
...HE ...IS ...NOT.
When I'm sad, or angry, or excited, or happy, bored, or just bummed out that I can't have my way I turn to everything else but Him. Especially food.
My idols are not little stone gods that I offer up blood sacrifices to.
They are the movies I watch when I feel like my life will never change. They are the Twinkies, Little Debbies, and Mcdonald Filet-O-Fish I have (when my husband and kids aren't watching) to comfort me when I'm sad.
It's the whirlwind cleaning I do when I want to rip someones head off and the money I spend because I'm too broke to buy what I really want.
It's the multitude of contests I register for hoping to win thousands to get our family out of debt.
It's the works I do, even the Christian works, to impress people because I lust after praise!
My idols are whatever I turn to instead of God when I'm in need or lack fulfillment.
When the gut wrenching sobs came to an end my 3 year old son said, "Mom, why are you crying?"
I answered, "Because Mommy made God sad."
I've been reading Jeremiah which is all about the penalty for idolatry. Despite repeated warnings Israel insisted on worshiping idols while claiming all along that they loved God and were doing nothing wrong. Finally God allowed them to become slaves in Babylon, an idolatrous nation.
If one isn't careful when reading Jeremiah it can seem to be just a book of judgment.
As I read it I hear the righteous anger of God, but I also hear the sorrow of a jilted husband. After all the faithful love, provision, protection and blessing God poured out on His people, like a whore they turned to other lovers, wiped their mouths, and said with a smirk, "We've done nothing wrong."
God wants to be my everything. My comfort when I'm sad, my entertainment when I'm bored, my peace when I'm angry. My caffeine when I'm tired. He wants me to climb into His lap, lay my head against His strong chest, and tell Him my every problem.
When I turn to food, video games, face book, or even coffee, 5 Hour shots, or Monsters for energy (Yeah I said it...don't stone the messenger) Instead of seeking whatever I need in prayer from Him, I am in effect telling God He is not good enough or powerful enough to help me. In effect I'm saying to the one who died because He desperately loves me....I don't want you, I love someone else.
These are the American Idols and I'm not alone.
Family please join me by doing the following:
1) Take quality time and allow God to search your heart and in repentance confess your idols to Him.
2) Invite the Holy Spirit to give you the fear of the Lord and convict you when, instead of God and His Power, you are trusting in other people/things/yourself.
3) Confess to God you do not love Him the way He deserves and ask Him to fill your heart until He is your everything.
4) Maintain a life of prayer and Bible reading and study.
5) Be accountable to mature Christians who aren't afraid to call you to the carpet in love.
Psalm 63
A David Psalm, When He Was out in the Judean Wilderness
1 O God, you are my God;I earnestly search for you.
My soul thirsts for you;
my whole body longs for you
in this parched and weary land
where there is no water.
2 I have seen you in your sanctuary
and gazed upon your power and glory.
3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
how I praise you!
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
lifting up my hands to you in prayer.
5 You satisfy me more than the richest feast.
I will praise you with songs of joy.
6 I lie awake thinking of you,
meditating on you through the night.
7 Because you are my helper,
I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings.
8 I cling to you;
your strong right hand holds me securely.
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in our Lord,
Monday, March 28, 2011
A 40 Day Fast God Chose
I understand there are many cautions to an extended fast, but when it's a fast God has chosen the grace to accomplish the task accompanies it. I am a homeschooling mom of 6, I clean our church along with two other ladies 3 times a week, my husband and I are also leaders that over-see other leaders in our church, I teach in the kids ministry, and I have my own business. At no time could I lay down my responsibilities and "rest". While I did take time to lay down or sleep in an extra hour those moments were rare. I still had to cook for my family (help me Jesus!), over see my childrens' chores, and clean my house as well.
I will say I did have people I shared this task with who kept me in prayer. My husband was also helpful and supportive. I felt and appreciated the prayers for strength that went forth.
The 1st 10 days were water only. It was during this time that I felt like I had canker sores towards the back of my throat every night for about 5 nights. I also started having soreness in my lower back and stiffness in my neck and shoulders.
During days 11-20 I had water and barley grass powder. I had loads of energy but was freezing cold.
On day 21 I started juicing veggies and this messed me up a little...I really wanted to eat food.
On day 28 I went back to water until day 37 and then had veggie and fruit juice until day 40. Mission accomplished and still freezing after a 30 pound weight loss! (Would love to maintain the weightloss.)
I wish I could say I saw great miracles occur but I did not. Not yet anyway. I prayed and declared daily the word over the prayer points God gave me but have no idea what was accomplished in the Spirit realm. It's important to note that obedience to God requires no results. I am responsible to obey...the results are not my problem. Through Christ I finished my task. My reward is sure!
It's also good to note that this fast did not make me any holier. I am not more righteous because of a 40 day fast. Obedience is obedience, no matter the size of the task. I could disobey God tomorrow and this 40 day fast would not impress God one little bit. (Ez 33:13-16)
As for me personally God reminded me regularly that fasting without showing love towards people does not impress him either. I had to regularly repent for crabbiness.
One day, well into this fast I almost broke it. I had a major disappointment (didn't get my way) and almost threw in the towel when I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to come and tell Him about it. On my knees I cried like a big baby and shared how sad I was. Giving the issue to God and asking Him to handle it for me, the desire to eat was broken. I asked the Holy Spirit to remind me of this in the future to cure emotional eating.
As far as breaking the fast...it's not going as well as I hoped though I prayed for God's help in this area. Not eating is much easier than the transition. No meat or dairy but I am over-eating and can feel it. I am eating fruits and veggies but have introduced grains too soon (as well as a few small cookies and one piece of chocolate)...However all is not lost and I have no time for condemnation or unnecessary guilt. This is day 2 and will be back on juice tomorrow, recalibrate, and go back to fruit, veggies, and broth.
Read Isaiah 58 on how to accomplish fasting that pleases God!
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in our Lord,
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Jordan Crossings
I know of a certain man who has a passion to win souls for Christ. He loves people and the desire to touch a life for the Kingdom burns like a fire shut up in his bones...all day, every day.
I have heard people remark wistfully (including myself), "I wish God would give me such a passion." I am afraid that most of these will wait a lifetime without seeing that sort of fire in their lives.
Let me explain.
Human nature waits to act until motivated by emotion. This is not God's way.
If I am waiting to "feel" a passion to win the lost (or diet, build a business, forgive someone) I will wait forever. All the prayer in the world will not ignite that fire. God expects us to walk in faith in the areas He has already commanded us to move forward. Jesus said to go into all the world and make disciples unto Him. The only prayer this requires is repentance for not obeying this command.
As Joshua was leading the people into the Promised Land, the river Jordan was overflowing it's banks. God told them to march right into the power of the flooding river. (Josh 2) After they had stepped in, THEN He would show His power.
Dangerous...Risky...God's command.
When Israel first fled Egypt God parted the Red Sea and then they crossed over. A miracle for an immature people.
But now Israel had 40 years of getting to know their God and His power. He demanded they show their trust in Him, their obedience, before the miracle. He is the same yesterday and today.
The more we step out in obedience the more God fills us with His passion for whatever task He has set before us. The more I reach out to the lost, pray with them, bless them...try to connect that I may win them, the more the weight of that needful responsibility fills my mind...daily.
I have no great love for people. It started with the conviction that it is simply the right thing to do. But every step of faith is wood that fuels the fire.
If I stop reaching out I will lose what little passion I have, but if I continue...
The mature do not wait for the emotion. Step out into the Jordan, before you feel anything, and watch the God of the Angel Armies move on your behalf.
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in Our Lord,
Monday, February 21, 2011
Save Us The Unclean
Matthew 25:41-46
About Me
- Lauren
- Wow...About ME? Wife to Shawn.Mother, Teacher, Nurse, Counselor, Cook, Maid, and Referee to Chelsea, Shannon, John-Daniel, Salome, Sean (Mikos), and Michael. Yep that's right SIX. But that's not really about ME is it? To some degree I am defined by what I do but the real ME can only be truly defined by who I belong to. I am His. I am favored in His Kingdom. I am the King's daughter. Despite my almost overwhelming desire to be liked, my tendency to yell, my lust for anything sweet, and my almost crippling problems with procrastination; He sees something in me worth enlarging. I love so many things more than I do Him. He knows me better than I know myself, yet He still is in love with me and longs to see my face and hear my voice. He keeps calling me. Daily He intrudes in the life of this oft times angry woman and I can't shake Him. I don't want to. I want to be His entire. I want to burn with lust for His presence, His will, His Words...His holiness. I want to obey Him without question. I want to know God. This is ME; an unremarkable and very imperfect person who has heard and answered the call to seek the only living God. I am not alone.
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