Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jordan Crossings

God Evening Family!

I know of a certain man who has a passion to win souls for Christ. He loves people and the desire to touch a life for the Kingdom burns like a fire shut up in his bones...all day, every day.

I have heard people remark wistfully (including myself), "I wish God would give me such a passion." I am afraid that most of these will wait a lifetime without seeing that sort of fire in their lives.

Let me explain.

Human nature waits to act until motivated by emotion. This is not God's way.

If I am waiting to "feel" a passion to win the lost (or diet, build a business, forgive someone) I will wait forever. All the prayer in the world will not ignite that fire. God expects us to walk in faith in the areas He has already commanded us to move forward. Jesus said to go into all the world and make disciples unto Him. The only prayer this requires is repentance for not obeying this command.

As Joshua was leading the people into the Promised Land, the river Jordan was overflowing it's banks. God told them to march right into the power of the flooding river. (Josh 2) After they had stepped in, THEN He would show His power.

Dangerous...Risky...God's command.

When Israel first fled Egypt God parted the Red Sea and then they crossed over. A miracle for an immature people.

But now Israel had 40 years of getting to know their God and His power. He demanded they show their trust in Him, their obedience, before the miracle. He is the same yesterday and today.

The more we step out in obedience the more God fills us with His passion for whatever task He has set before us. The more I reach out to the lost, pray with them, bless them...try to connect that I may win them, the more the weight of that needful responsibility fills my mind...daily.

I have no great love for people. It started with the conviction that it is simply the right thing to do. But every step of faith is wood that fuels the fire.

If I stop reaching out I will lose what little passion I have, but if I continue...

The mature do not wait for the emotion. Step out into the Jordan, before you feel anything, and watch the God of the Angel Armies move on your behalf.

Stay in Prayer and in the Word!

Love in Our Lord,

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Hi anyone can leave a comment whether you agree or disagree...however keep the language clean...the only four letter word allowed is "love"...or maybe "work". Please use your manners and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Thanks!

About Me

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Wow...About ME? Wife to Shawn.Mother, Teacher, Nurse, Counselor, Cook, Maid, and Referee to Chelsea, Shannon, John-Daniel, Salome, Sean (Mikos), and Michael. Yep that's right SIX. But that's not really about ME is it? To some degree I am defined by what I do but the real ME can only be truly defined by who I belong to. I am His. I am favored in His Kingdom. I am the King's daughter. Despite my almost overwhelming desire to be liked, my tendency to yell, my lust for anything sweet, and my almost crippling problems with procrastination; He sees something in me worth enlarging. I love so many things more than I do Him. He knows me better than I know myself, yet He still is in love with me and longs to see my face and hear my voice. He keeps calling me. Daily He intrudes in the life of this oft times angry woman and I can't shake Him. I don't want to. I want to be His entire. I want to burn with lust for His presence, His will, His Words...His holiness. I want to obey Him without question. I want to know God. This is ME; an unremarkable and very imperfect person who has heard and answered the call to seek the only living God. I am not alone.
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.
