Saturday, November 21, 2009

Glory to Glory

God Morning Family,

It really cracks me up whenever I hear someone preaching about going "from glory to glory" and the people start shouting, cheering, and clapping. I'm no party pooper, but I don't think many
are really studying their Bibles. When the man or woman of God begins to preach that we will go from glory to glory or victory to victory I want to shout "don't forget to tell what happens in the in-between!". If people really understood the in-between they're response would be a little more sober and alot more reflective.

First let's remember that Jesus Christ was our example as well as our Master. He walked it out so we could know what it would look like.

First when Jesus came to this earth He gave up His glory. He gave up His rights, privileges, and His own will. The glory to glory walk begins with choosing to do find and do the will of God to the exclusion of all else. Good ideas (my desires, opinions, and will) pale in comparison to God ideas.

Second Jesus was willing to endure disapproval (from even His family) criticism, and hate in order to do His Father's will. He focused on His mission even though it made Him a very unpopular person.

Third when it came time to finish His mission, to do the hard thing, He didn't shrink back. He went to His Father in prayer, was honest about His resistance to God's plan, and stayed in prayer until He was strengthened to obey.

Fourth He suffered mentally and physically. Falsely accused, deserted by those closest to Him, beaten, tortured, and hung on a cross without hope of rescue. This was God's will and it was no party.

Fifth He died. He looked like a failure. To everyone who heard His words it was as victory died with Him, but they simply lacked understanding. Man does not define success the way God does and in our way of thinking a victorious battle should never include our death. But to God the death of one righteous obedient man leads to the salvation of the multitudes.

Sixth He resurrected. The power of the Holy Spirit brought this God-Man to life. Death had no power over Him.

Finally He ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father and came into all glory and power.

This is our pattern family and there is no way around it. The righteous will indeed go from glory to glory, and many times. But the in the in-between there are great trials and suffering, death even,whether it be to the flesh or a real dying and going to be with the Lord.

Do not faint, nor lose heart in the in-between, glory and reward is in His hands.

"Yes, I'm on my way! I'll be there soon! I'm bringing my payroll with me. I'll pay all people in full for their life's work. I'm A to Z, the First and the Final, Beginning and Conclusion. Revelation 22:12 (The Message)

Stay in the Word and in Prayer!

Love in our Lord,


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Hi anyone can leave a comment whether you agree or disagree...however keep the language clean...the only four letter word allowed is "love"...or maybe "work". Please use your manners and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Thanks!

About Me

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Wow...About ME? Wife to Shawn.Mother, Teacher, Nurse, Counselor, Cook, Maid, and Referee to Chelsea, Shannon, John-Daniel, Salome, Sean (Mikos), and Michael. Yep that's right SIX. But that's not really about ME is it? To some degree I am defined by what I do but the real ME can only be truly defined by who I belong to. I am His. I am favored in His Kingdom. I am the King's daughter. Despite my almost overwhelming desire to be liked, my tendency to yell, my lust for anything sweet, and my almost crippling problems with procrastination; He sees something in me worth enlarging. I love so many things more than I do Him. He knows me better than I know myself, yet He still is in love with me and longs to see my face and hear my voice. He keeps calling me. Daily He intrudes in the life of this oft times angry woman and I can't shake Him. I don't want to. I want to be His entire. I want to burn with lust for His presence, His will, His Words...His holiness. I want to obey Him without question. I want to know God. This is ME; an unremarkable and very imperfect person who has heard and answered the call to seek the only living God. I am not alone.
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.
