Yep, still stuck on ARKS only this time it's an acronym.
My favorite movie of all times is Evan Almighty. (Yes I suggest you see it.) Evan is a man elected to Congress. He appeals to God for help him make a difference, only it never occurred to him that God would take him at his word. God shows up and gently but firmly insists that Evan build an Ark.
I won't ruin the movie for you but I will say it was through this movie that God first spoke to me about Arks or in this case A.R.K
Acts of Random Kindness.
More and more I am convinced that I have a responsibility to help people not only come to Christ, but to stay saved.
This world is cruel, calculating, and indifferent to the pain people endure. There are times when a word or gesture of kindness is like a crust of bread to a starving man.
The problem lies in agendas. True kindness has no agenda. It just is. Jesus healed countless men and women he knew would later reject Him simply because He was moved by compassion.
Those with agendas do not waste their time on people they know will never be saved, never achieve their destiny...never be a "successful" Christian. They look for those with the right qualities and then they begin the work of conversion. Discipleship means reproducing themselves which is kind of strange since none of us is the standard...
Jesus is the standard.
Jesus was the Master A.R.K. builder. From raising a widow's son from the dead during the funeral procession to making sure his mother would be cared for by John, while hanging on the cross mind you, Jesus was always sensitive to suffering of others. He did what He could to ease that suffering.
The command from God to Noah was, "Make yourself an ark..."Gen 6:14
The command from Jesus for 2000 years has always been make yourself an A.R.K.
Love everyone. Be kind to everyone. And as much as it is up to you be at peace with all. Honor all men and suffer even the least to come to Him. Make yourself that compassionate person who does all you can to ease the suffering around you...with no agenda.
Whether people come to Christ or not, whether they do grand impressive things for God or not, whether they just can't seem to mature in Christ we are to show the kindness of God.
Because, for now, the Ark door is still open. Just as they can come in they can also walk out. God's will is all be saved and for those who walk out of His Ark there is no promise of tomorrow.
What if all it takes to keep a soul saved is a not so random, Holy Spirit inspired, act of kindness from me? What if that soul is my spouse, my child, my mom or dad, a pastor, or a new convert? What if I hold back that kindness and someone goes to hell due to my lack of compassion? My refusal to just be...
... kind?
"Make yourself an ark..."Gen 6:14
Stay in Prayer and the Word!
Love in our Lord,
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Hi anyone can leave a comment whether you agree or disagree...however keep the language clean...the only four letter word allowed is "love"...or maybe "work". Please use your manners and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Thanks!