Hi Family...I wrote this in 2008 and I thought it was worth re-sharing :)
God Evening Family,
I haven't written in two weeks. Some are breathing a huge sigh of relief. Some weren't aware of that because they delete the email unopened. But perhaps there are one or two of you who actually were wondering why you haven't received Revival Prayer in two weeks.
I'll tell you why. I'm having a Peter Crisis. Let me explain. Peter was not the beloved desciple, that was John...you know, the one always leaning on Jesus' breast. No, Peter was the one with the big mouth. He was always saying the wrong thing, putting his foot in his mouth, or offending folks. Well I've been doing the same for two weeks now. No matter what I do it's wrong.
So as I sat down to write the first week and then the second week I found myself second guessing every word. A little fearful lest I offend, I deleted everything. Cowardly? Maybe...ok, yes, somewhat. But also a Godly fear has crept into my heart. You see I don't want to say just anything. I don't want to spout off my opinions anymore. I want to speak as the Spirit gives me utterance, as an oracle of God. James asked if both bitter water and sweet , salt water and fresh flowed from the same source? How terrible when the same mouth that just uttered Thus sayeth the Lord with such annointing and boldness then begins to complain about the price of eggs and the broken washing machine.
I want to be not just Spirit led but Holy Spirit possessed. I want to forsake the pleasures of this world and throw myself with abandon off the precipice of earthly wisdom. I want to own nothing but the Knowledge of who He is and what He says. I want to trust Him completely and cast off every weight that keeps me tied to the natural. I want to take God at His Word. I don't just want to operate in the supernatural...I want to be supernatural. But I am not.
Even now in frustration I want to delete this as well. To hang up writing for good. But yet He said... write.
There is someone who questions as I do. "Who am I to do anything for God when I'm such a mess? Who am I to speak to anyone of God?" The devil says quit and accuses you of every sin and weakness. He calls you that word that causes you to cringe..."Hypocrite!".
The Word says agree with your adversary quickly. Admit your failures...nod your head swiftly at the devils long list of accusations. But then turn your eyes to the cross. He is your Champion. He did not die because we were perfect but because we couldn't help ourselves. How much more will He help us now that we are His. Paul boasted in his weaknesses because it was only when he was weak that he could be truly strong in Christ.
So march onward soldier and do not faint but continue to abound in the work of the Lord. And when you have a Peter moment...smile, you're in good company!
Continue in Prayer...
God Evening Family,
I haven't written in two weeks. Some are breathing a huge sigh of relief. Some weren't aware of that because they delete the email unopened. But perhaps there are one or two of you who actually were wondering why you haven't received Revival Prayer in two weeks.
I'll tell you why. I'm having a Peter Crisis. Let me explain. Peter was not the beloved desciple, that was John...you know, the one always leaning on Jesus' breast. No, Peter was the one with the big mouth. He was always saying the wrong thing, putting his foot in his mouth, or offending folks. Well I've been doing the same for two weeks now. No matter what I do it's wrong.
So as I sat down to write the first week and then the second week I found myself second guessing every word. A little fearful lest I offend, I deleted everything. Cowardly? Maybe...ok, yes, somewhat. But also a Godly fear has crept into my heart. You see I don't want to say just anything. I don't want to spout off my opinions anymore. I want to speak as the Spirit gives me utterance, as an oracle of God. James asked if both bitter water and sweet , salt water and fresh flowed from the same source? How terrible when the same mouth that just uttered Thus sayeth the Lord with such annointing and boldness then begins to complain about the price of eggs and the broken washing machine.
I want to be not just Spirit led but Holy Spirit possessed. I want to forsake the pleasures of this world and throw myself with abandon off the precipice of earthly wisdom. I want to own nothing but the Knowledge of who He is and what He says. I want to trust Him completely and cast off every weight that keeps me tied to the natural. I want to take God at His Word. I don't just want to operate in the supernatural...I want to be supernatural. But I am not.
Even now in frustration I want to delete this as well. To hang up writing for good. But yet He said... write.
There is someone who questions as I do. "Who am I to do anything for God when I'm such a mess? Who am I to speak to anyone of God?" The devil says quit and accuses you of every sin and weakness. He calls you that word that causes you to cringe..."Hypocrite!".
The Word says agree with your adversary quickly. Admit your failures...nod your head swiftly at the devils long list of accusations. But then turn your eyes to the cross. He is your Champion. He did not die because we were perfect but because we couldn't help ourselves. How much more will He help us now that we are His. Paul boasted in His weaknesses because it was only when He was weak that He could be truly strong.
So march onward soldier and do not faint but continue to abound in the work of the Lord. And when you have a Peter moment...smile, you're in good company!
Stay in prayer and in the Word,
Love in our Lord,
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