For the past two weeks the Outer Court has been weighing on my heart. I've tried blogging about other things I've experienced in prayer but I know that God is firmly telling me to write this particular one. I am no expert on the Temple and it's lay out. Nor am I an expert on the tabernacle erected by Moses. While I've read about it many times I don't fully understand all the sacrifices or ceremonies.Yet God has shown me some things about the Outer Court that pertain to the condition of the heart of believers.
In the Outer Court was the Altar of Sacrifice. It was placed some distance away from the tabernacle which housed the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. People came with their sacrifice, the officiating priest offered it up, and the one who brought the sacrifice went their way without going near the Holy of Holies where the presence of God was.
So many people are just that way. They are Outer Court worshipers who are continually repenting over their sin but never coming close to God. These people fear hell more then they fear God. They fear hell because they know they are closer to it than heaven. They are closer to hell than heaven because they don't fear God. They want to go to heaven but they really don't want to know the King of heaven. At least not on His terms, not if it means they have to change.
Some of these are the people that seem so faithful in God's kingdom because they do so much. Yet God sees the motive. They do not obey God so they try to make up for their disobedience with sacrificial offerings. Yet God says obedience is better than sacrifice. (1 Sam 15:22)
Surrounding the tabernacle was a wall. This wall was not made of stone or brick but linen. It wasn't sturdy but yet it was a wall just the same. It was the line that separated the spiritual from the secular.
At first Outer Court worshipers know not to cross certain boundaries. They know some things belong to God and ought to be reverenced. But it isn't long before their senses are too numb to discern between what is holy and what is flesh (1 Tim 4:2). Like bulls they plow through that seemingly flimsy boundary into the world. Then who they are at home is no longer who they are at church. The secular world holds an allure while the things of God pale in comparison. They begin to bring the world into their homes. More and more their conversation is laced with flesh and they delight to call the holy legalistic. Speaking those things that they ought not, they believe God is altogether like them. Walking in their pride they begin to touch the anointed things of God without fear. (1 Chron 16:22 & Jude 8-10) They become careless and familiar with the holy.
Another thing about the Outer Court is it was in the open air. No covering. Outer Court worshipers hate authority. This is the one that talks the Christian language, shows up at church, and may even faithfully hold ministry. They have a form of godliness, that is until someone tries to bring correction. It is at this point that the Outer Court worshiper has a tantrum. Some are like Korah and will blatantly oppose God's chosen leadership. Others will sweetly and quietly listen to the correction yet still insist on their way of doing things.
Sadly these people do not understand what the word covering means. It means to hide, to clothe, and to provide for. It also is a military term that means to protect from enemy action, as in "Cover me while I throw my grenade". It means to protect financially. It's a term that expresses the intimacy of a husband with His wife. It's also a term that is best expressed by our free will. God will not force anyone to stay under His covering. Whether it be a wife, a child, a disciple, or an employee, only those who love and trust Him will submit to the covering He has provided for them.
Between the altar and the Holy Place was the basin. Before the priests could enter the Holy Place they had to wash so they would be clean and not die before the Lord.
There are those who do seek the presence of God but have yet to learn to stay before Him. They are continually going in and out of the Holy Place. I personally think that a lot of Christians who really do want to love God fall in this category, but they have not made the necessary adjustments that will allow them to dwell in His presence continually. So they enter in and minister to God. But then out they go again, picking up the dirt of this world and their own flesh. They know they ought to fully belong to God and fully hate the world but it's the little foxes that spoil the vine...the love of entertainment and comfort. Their passion to surrender is choked out by the cares of this world.
As God's priests we are to be made clean by the washing of the water of the Word. Only those who keep guard over His Word continually in their hearts can continually be clean and abide in His presence (John 15:3 & 10) But so many do not. Their prayer and Bible reading is erratic at best. They are not studying the scripture that they may be workers approved by God. They are not meditating on it that they may obey it. They are not calling on His Spirit for help. Against their own convictions they do not discipline their bodies to seek His face. So in and out they go.
At first this does not seem too bad. After all they are trying more than some others. but Revelations 11:1-2, 13 says this,
Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles....
...In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.
There is no time to discuss the full meaning of this now. I'll leave it to your study of the Bible such as it is. Let's just keep it simple. God measured off the temple and those who worshiped inside. The outer court was not only given over to the haters of God's people but after the resurrection of the two prophets there was an earthquake that killed thousands...all found outside the presence of God.
I don't fully grasp Revelations at all. but even I can see it wouldn't be good to be found in the Outer Court if that's where God's judgment was going to fall, kind of like being outside the ark the day it started to rain.
In Matthew 25 Jesus tells a parable of 10 virgins. All were destined to meet the bridegroom. All had full lamps. But only 5, who were wise, had vessels with extra oil. The 5 who were foolish presumptuously thought that the oil in their lamps was sufficient. Why go through the trouble of finding more oil and then carrying an extra vessel around with them? As they waited for His coming they used up all they had in their lamps. When the bridegroom arrived they began to scramble to find more oil, but it was too late. They were locked out of the marriage simply because they wouldn't go the extra mile in making preparation for the coming of the bridegroom.
These are the ones who one moment are worshiping in the Holy Place and dancing in the Outer Court the next. These are the ones who tempt their own fate by their continual coming and going. One foot in and the other out. Straddling the fence. Double minded with divided hearts.
There are those who stay in His presence continually. They know He is coming but they don't know the day or the hour. All they know is that they do not want to miss it, so they draw nearer to Him and watch....and wait.
These do not fear Hell. They fear eternal separation from the object of their deepest desire. They fear never to be able to look upon His face, never to gaze deeply into His eyes, and never to hear His voice speaking their name.
Let us enter in with them. The veil is rent in two. He is waiting. He will not wait forever.
Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth...Luke 18:8
God is speaking. Pass this one on.
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in our Lord,
I Loved this......it was really awesome!