This morning in prayer God reminded me how little I reverence Him. The knowledge of that shook me to the core. Weeping and repenting before God my heart was opened to God.
A few weeks ago God gave me a picture that went like this,
It was a warm morning. A little boy sat on the porch of a white bungalow. He was a native boy, slender and brown. He was wearing a white skull cap seated on the back of his head. He also had a white vest with no shirt underneath. His short. white pants were gathered at the knee and he was barefoot. He didn't seem disturbed, but seemed to be waiting eagerly for something.
Suddenly a very tall man came out of the door. He had on dark sun glasses and was dressed casually yet his clothes seemed pricey. He had on a light colored brimmed hat. His jacket and slacks were a light colored linen and his white, collared shirt was well ironed. He was a man not from this region yet he was comfortable, relaxed, and confident.
The man didn't acknowledge the boy but walked quickly across the porch and down the steps. The little boy jumped up and followed after the man who was headed towards the market place. The boy had to scramble to keep up with the man's long strides, yet he kept his eyes on the man's head the whole time.
"What time did you get here this morning?", said the man.
"5 am Sir.", the boy answered breathlessly.
The man smiled and flipped something over his shoulder. The red, glittering object sailed smoothly through the air. Without slowing the boy snatched the ruby from the air. He looked at it long enough to see it was as big as a large egg and then shoved it in His pocket. Eyes still intent on the Master, the boy didn't think twice about the large ruby. His whole focus was on going where ever the Master would lead him.
This is an awesome picture of how we ought to be with the Holy Spirit. The little boy is exactly who I want to be. This is why:
1. He was diligent and patient. He rose early to be at the Master's door by 5am. Then, judging by the time of day, he waited 3-4 hours until the he came out.
2. He was humble. He didn't get offended that the Master did not acknowledge him, but followed eagerly behind him. His own social status neither offended, nor embarrassed him. He was who he was before the Master and he was content with that.
3. He wasn't lazy. It took effort to keep up with the Master's pace, but he did it without grumbling.
4. He was focused. He kept His eyes on His Master's head. Not his back, hands, or feet. He was listening for His voice. He was attentive in the event the Master would turn and look at him. His thoughts, his attitude, his body was all attuned to the Master.
5. He knew his Master's character, therefore he loved Him and trusted Him. The boy was not impressed with the large ruby. He acknowledged it and was grateful, but was not moved by the jewel. The Master was generous and rewarded excellence, there was more where that came from. No, his heart was loyal to the Master. The Master was his reward.
If I truly reverenced the gift of His Spirit I would do whatever it takes to be just this way...a diligent little servant girl with no ambitions except to follow the Master wherever He leads.
Won't you please pray this for me?
Blessed is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates, Waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me finds life, And obtains favor from the LORD...Prov 8:34-35
Stay in Prayer and in the Word!
Love in our Lord,
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